Fore rib of beef
The key to this recipe is being able to keep your oven at a constant 55 degrees Celsius (131 f). You need an oven thermometer to monitor this. If you test your oven with the thermometer inside and it cannot maintain a constant temperature, this probably isn't the recipe for you.
The size of the beef will not vary the cooking time required for this recipe. I use a two bone fore rib of beef because it comfortably feeds 4 people. My butcher cuts the bone off so it does not poke through the top, if your joint has the bones showing, you'll want to wrap them in foil.
Before putting the beef in the oven you need to brown the outside. You could do this on the stovetop but I like to use my baking blowtorch to brown the beef.
The size of the beef will not vary the cooking time required for this recipe. I use a two bone fore rib of beef because it comfortably feeds 4 people. My butcher cuts the bone off so it does not poke through the top, if your joint has the bones showing, you'll want to wrap them in foil.
Before putting the beef in the oven you need to brown the outside. You could do this on the stovetop but I like to use my baking blowtorch to brown the beef.
Now, put the beef in the oven at 55 degrees Celsius (131 f) for twenty hours. After twenty hours take the beef out and wrap in foil, leave to stand for the time it takes you to roast potatoes, about 30 minutes. When you unwrap the beef the end pieces will be very dark and dry, slice these off to reveal the rare roast beef inside. See pictures below for the difference between the end piece you should discard and the tasty inside.
Thinly slice the beef and serve with salad and roast vegetables.